Seal the Cracks, So Viruses and Allergens Can’t Attack!


By David J Friedman, MD


As viruses are everywhere and transmission dynamics are not fully understood, it is a “genius move” to prepare your immune system for “bad” microscopic particles. These particles include hostile virus or inflammatory allergens like pollen.  The world is covered in them.  Thank you, “Immunity”!!

Boost your immunity with the tools below.  Go to to read further.

  1. Prebiotic fiber at least 20 grams in supplementation extra, beyond your food. More grams of fiber equal a better immune system. Resistant starch(RS) like potato starch (Bob’s Red Mill Potato Starch(approx. 2 tbl dissolved in water @night). Don’t heat) is totally different than the highly glycemic modern-cooked potato and is currently being studied for COVID-19.  It is more tolerable on your gut and better than other fibers at turning into short chain fatty acids(SCFA) like BUTYRATE.  I use both inulin and resistant potato starch. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT IT IS RESISTANT “STARCH” AND NOT “FLOUR”.  Resistant starch like fiber is not digested and is broken down by probiotics in the colon.  THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT HABIT TO OPTIMIZE HEALTH!!  It improves the agility of your immune system to react in a reparative way as opposed to a destructive tone.  It is very kind to your probiotics!!
  2. Probiotic-containing foods like yogurt, kefir, kombucha and/or any probiotic capsule or supplement. I buy the cheapest supplements but feel cultured foods/drinks are better.
  3. Barrier maintenance-Olive, Coconut, or Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT) oils applied to the inside nostrils with a finger, swab, or dropper. Oleic, Caprylic, and Capric acid are the active ingredients in oils that “seal cracks” and are anti-viral. The sinus secretes these oils (fatty acids) to kill bad germs. Oil in the nose protects from dryness, infection and irritation.  Ingest Olive and MCT oil most days. Nasal saline is very helpful. Xlear contains xylitol and is better than just nasal saline. Saliva contains IgA antibodies that protect.  Make more saliva with xylitol gum especially when in   Dry mouth is very bad for respiratory health and helps you get a respiratory infection like pneumonia.  Xylitol is good for the mouth in gums and mouthwashes.
  4. Vitamin D shouldn’t get low. If it does get low, you advantage wayward inflammation, allergy, asthma, and cancer.  1000-5000 IU per day is fine but be prudent about getting 50% of your skin in the sun at least 20 min 1-2 weekly.  Sun exposure also raises anti-viral melatonin.
  5. Melatonin (5-600mg) is used to treat viruses. It helps HIV, Ebola, Influenza, and Covid-19. Much more than a “sleep” hormone. It improves “vaccine” responses and is an “immune booster”.
  6. Curcumin is the active anti-inflammatory agent of Turmeric. Trademarked active ingredients that are reliable are C3, BCM-95, Meriva, and Theracumin. Don’t take if on blood-thinners.
  7. Fuel your body on short chain fat(Ketones) that comes from the fiber/starch you eat and supplement. More is better.  Oleic acid in olive oil and Omega-3s are obviously healing fats. Running on glucose is the fuel of allergy, inflammation, and cancer.  Fasting helps increase fatty acids or ketones in your blood.  MCT and Coconut oil helps nutritional “ketosis”
  8. Resveratrol (grapes, wine(contains probiotics), peanuts, and berries) activates genetic components called “sirtuins”. If you call upon these when ill, they will heal you. Sirtuin activation slows or even can prevent age-related illness as well as “acute” illness.
  9. Beta-Glucan fiber found in mushrooms, nutritional yeast, seaweeds, and insect shells like roasted crickets. Any one of them will do 3 days or more a week with meals is a good base.

Should one become ill with respiratory troubles such as sore throat, coughing, shortness of breath or fever one should consider the following:

  1. Yale University, in 2020, tried giving Bob’s Red Mill potato starch at 20 grams (approximately 2 tablespoons) 2x daily dissolved in water within 48 hours of COVID-19 symptom onset. I put a few ounces of pomegranate juice in the solution.  Don’t heat it or it becomes “sugar”.  Once daily on the first 3 days, then 2x daily to aide in fighting the virus. I think this is a study that may elucidate the importance of the microbiome in maintaining health. So, with an active virus, the study is giving 40 grams of resistant starch. Increase supplemental fiber and resistant starch(RS) before you get sick!! Butyrate regenerates!!! Fiber and good fats manipulate your microbiome in a diversity-inducing, healthful fashion.
  2. Probiotics 2x day with travel or illness. Your microbiome is your first line of defense.  It is unknown what probiotics do to your microbiome, but there are studies showing less severity with viral infections when taking them.  Extra fiber or RS is more important.
  3. Eat more beta-glucan fiber in mushrooms. Turmeric if not on blood thinners.
  4. Vitamin C and Quercetin at 1000 mg is safe. They have a wide therapeutic index.
  5. Zinc at 50 mg may help hasten viral infection recovery. Zinc is the second biggest element behind iron in the human body.  Eating foods high in zinc is proactive.  Tree nuts, seeds, legumes, shellfish, and meat are highest.
  6. Spicy food- Capsaicin is anti-viral and 3 big studies lately out of USA, Italy, and China show longevity. Capsaicin can kill virus and cancer. Intranasal capsaicin helps allergies!!
  7. Vitamin D- Vitamin D has a wide safety index. 2 million IU can damage or possible even kill you, but large doses like 100,000-500,000 have been given in studies.
  8. Cold exposure- Activates sirtuins and puts your body in survival mode. Lowers oxidation or “internal rusting”.  Cold showers, plunges, ice packs galore when sick can hasten recovery in the second week of illness.  Raising body temperature (warm bath) may assist viral clearance in the first week by stimulating interferon (an immune hormone that blocks virus and cancer)
  9. Sleep- Make sure you get enough, and it is efficient. You can take “big” doses of melatonin(6-8 mg/kg/day) if sick.  It has a wide safety profile. It has a “plethora” of immune effects.  Melatonin has multiple health effects beyond sleep.  Your gut can make melatonin if given fiber
  10. Do not delay an evaluation with a health care provider. Earlier diagnosis and treatment can prevent severe complications. Urgent cares and ERs are places that quickly get data like labs and x-rays to help diagnose the problem.
  11. Please remember that you may incubate virus that can infect others. Generally speaking, transmission of virus occurs when people are at high “viremia” states. More copies of the virus are produced usually when symptomatic. Asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic transmission can occur but there is usually less virus to spread at that time than when symptomatic.  Hand washing and proper hand etiquette is important.  Don’t cough into your hand.  Don’t touch the front of your mask when you wear one.

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