Good Things Come in Threes – Prebiotics, Probiotics, Postbiotics


The pre-pro combo is smart but those who make the post are the host with the most!!

PREBIOTICS- A “coined” phrase that means fiber.  It is the nutrition or energy that your probiotics depend upon for their livelihood. Good fats like olive oil, MCT oil, and omega-3 help your probiotics as well as more fiber grams.  The human body was designed to see 70-150 grams per day of prebiotics otherwise known as fiber.  On average most Americans get 15-25 grams of fiber per day from our modern foods.    If one does not consume the fiber they were designed to, they run the risk of suffering from chronic diseases in all arenas of health in all body systems.  If your gut biotics are not fed appropriately with 30-50 grams of daily fiber you compromise your healing ability. Taking extra fiber can cause gas and bloating if too much is taken too soon. Go slow and try taking supplemental fiber in the evening before sleeping as it may reduce gas and bloating.  Building up to 20 grams of extra fiber per 24hrs over several weeks is your ultimate goal!!!  Your microbiome depends on plenty of good fat and plenty of fiber!  RESISTANT STARCH LIKE POTATO STARCH IS VERY VALUABLE AS WELL.  GO TO RESISTANTSTARCHRESEARCH.COM for further reading.

PROBIOTCS– The actual microbial species that confer a health benefit to the host or humans.  The market for PROBIOTICS is vast and built on overstated benefits.  It’s fine to take a probiotic and eat cultured foods like yogurt, but doing so does not create microbial diversity that is essential to health. Also, do not fall for marketing claims that one brand is the ideal brand, because we only know the tip of the iceberg on species diversity.  Doing both prebiotic and probiotic supplementation is prudent and safe.   One needs to drastically increase their total fiber consumption in a day to get closer to at least 30-50 grams per day. 50 grams is better than 30 grams per day, but one has to do it very slowly to accommodate the gas and bloating when bringing your gut “alive”.  Most people believe they can do it with food but there is no need to stress about fiber grams since your probiotics are blind and don’t mind fiber supplementation.  It’s very hard to grind 50 grams of fiber per day.  Use supplementation!  The probiotics thrive just as well on fiber supplementation, as they can’t tell whether the fiber came from a powder, gummy, bar, wafer or foods like apples and artichokes.

POSTBIOTICs– What happens when one takes a medicine like ibuprofen for joint pain or headache? The medicine absorbs through our gut and goes to the liver, where it is processed or metabolized and redistributed to the whole body where it exerts its action.  POSTBIOTICS are the same but do not come from a pill or your human cells or body.  POSTBIOTICS comes from the fermentation of prebiotic fiber by your probiotic gut germs. Butyrate is a well-known short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) postbiotic metabolite that results from fermentation. BUTYRATE circulates through your whole body including your brain.   Your probiotics turn prebiotic fiber into postbiotic metabolites that are extremely valuable to your health.  If butyrate is elevated in your blood relative to glucose, you will heal better.  If glucose remains relatively high compared to butyrate, you are fueling infection (bacterial, fungal, or viral), neoplasm or cancer, and inflammation like rheumatic and allergic inflammation.  You want to fuel on SCFAs like butyrate, acetate, and propionate.  All three SCFAs are elevated when fiber grams/resistant starch are elevated by any means either food or fiber supplementation.    Generating butyrate in the gut directs your immune system to heal and directs cells to behave as they were designed to behave.   Butyrate supplements exist, but don’t buy them, as you should calculate fiber grams to elevate butyrate. You would rather have your microbiota make your butyrate along with many other helpful postbiotic molecules that you would miss out on if you rely on butyrate supplements.  The skin germs also generate butyrate, but human skin cells don’t make it.  Soap and ultra-hygienic behavior lower butyrate levels.  Butyrate’s purpose is to guard all your surface area.   05-21

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